Spryfield is a suburban community in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It was founded about 1770,
by Captain William Spry, who purchased land there and established the settlement with the aid of stationed soldiers from the nearby Halifax garrison.
In the 1960s and 1970s, many people began to travel to the Halifax downtown area and later on, to the shopping centers and malls in the region to do their purchasing, and the community took on a "bedroom community" aspect: the great majority of the residents work elsewhere, with relatively few local thriving local businesses.
In the past Spryfield was home to a lot of lower priced housing and rental units with a bit of a rough reputation. This view is quickly changing as Spryfield is now emerging as one of the popular areas developers are building new communities in due to the close location to the Armdale roundabout. Cowie Hill connects Spryfield to Northwest Arm Drive has also seen a tremendous growth of higher end single detached homes, condominium and rental units.
The community of Spryfield is located just a few kilometres from the Halifax city centre, and in close proximity to both tranquil natural environments and a busy business community. Spryfield and its surrounding area is home to several public schools and many recently upgraded parks, ball fields, and sports fields, making it an increasingly popular choice for young families.
The land now known as Spryfield was first occupied by the Mi’kmaq people, who hunted and fished in the area of what is now Long Lake Provincial Park. Today, the park is much loved by residents for its natural beauty, including stunning waterfalls, and walking/hiking trails.
- Central Spryfield: Grades PP – 6
- Elizabeth Sutherland: Grades PP – 9, French Immersion Grades 7 – 9
- Rockingstone Heights: Grades PP – 9
- John W MacLeod Flemming Tower: Grades PP – 1 (English), Grades PP – 6 (French Immersion)
- Elizabeth Sutherland: Grades PP – 9, French Immersion Grades 7 – 9
- Rockingstone Heights: Grades PP – 9
- Cunard Junior High: Grades 7 – 9
- J.L. Ilsley High: Grades 10 – 12, including French Immersion

Spryfield has numerous lakes of various sizes for swimming and non-motorized boating in the summer months. There is also a public pool in the middle of the community at the Captain William Spry Community Centre, which is built on the site of the former West School. The Centre also contains a library, community service offices and meeting rooms available to the general public. There are baseball and soccer fields, basketball and tennis courts, a skate park (next to the library) and a skating rink (next to J.L. Ilsley High School), and the school gyms are often available for community use as well.
The heavily forested area of Long Lake Provincial Park is full of walking/hiking trails and makes it an excellent location for berry picking and bird watching. The district’s many lakes are used for both swimming and non-motorized boating in the summer months.
Spryfield Properties
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